Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Giggle Loop! {Art in Buenos Aires}

Let’s talk about the ART scene in Buenos Aires. There’s hardly a wall without graffiti and hardly a restaurant without paintings on sale adorning the walls. Then we walked by this gorgeous graffiti made with recycled material such as bottle caps, glass, CDs. We were feeling very inspired indeed! And made this brave attempt to enter a Museum, which was literally on the opposite side of the road.

Recycled Graffiti opposite MACBA

We asked the pretty English speaking girl sitting at the counter 

“Can we visit the museum?”

“Are you looking for MACBA, MALBA or MAMBA?”

Now I *knew* those are abbreviations for museums. I did my research before arriving in the country. *Lots* of “BA”s I had lined up to totally avoid. I mean we’re the people who went to Paris and didn’t enter the Louvre (In spite of reading the very famous Dan Brown book!).

But I didn’t know which BA is which. So I blurted out 

“which is this one?”

“This ones MACBA, the museum for contemporary art, the one next door is MAMBA, the museum for modern art. If you’re looking for Latin American Art, you need to visit MALBA”. 

Uh, who cares? We wanted to see some Art! We were so graffiti inspired! I tried to play along. Blame meeting an English speaking person in a Spanish speaking country for pointless lengthy conversation. Another pretty girl joined in and this was just getting out of hand. 

This was the first glass of the giggle loop.

Haven’t heard of the giggle loop? Here is an episode from “Coupling” (S1 E03), a BBC show that was aired over a decade ago (Still makes us laugh!)

Jump to 2:10 to watch Geoffrey explain it or 25:00 to watch it happen! Or if you’re a fan you can watch the whole episode. Go ahead, I wont mind! 

So they went on explaining the difference between Contemporary Art and Modern Art … Modern is modern but most of the artists are dead already while contemporary artists are still alive and are still making art…. and why both are brilliant…

Second glass.

Now we couldn’t possibly back out. Neither could we burst out laughing so we quickly cut the conversation 

“two tickets please!”

“You may be tempted to touch the Art Installations but they’re not meant to be touched!” She warned.

Are you serious? Third glass stacked right on.. as we quickly scrambled our way in..

The first floor was this HUGE space surrounded by paintings of geometric shapes. Squares. Rectangles. Triangles. A good geometry brush up for my 4 year old.

The second floor was a this HUGE space surrounded by black and white photos of people. Some were blurred. How artistic.

The third floor was this HUGE space with installations. The Installations were gothic art pieces tastefully smudged with three tone paint with the backdrop of elliptical shapes. 

i.e. 7 painted drums. Like *literally* 2 drums painted in yellow, 3 in white and 2 in black. I kid you not. 

The giggle loop was complete and the glasses came crashing down.

All the pent up frustration of holding it all in combined with the irritation of our last day in Argentina being spent walking around in a dead, dirty part of the city, in the rain, on a gloomy day, with my aching heels, and the weight of my backpack, came out all at once. In a hilarious stupid laugh. Tears filled up my eyes till I couldn't see anymore. I laughed till my sides ached...my "LOL" was just a teeny bit short of "ROFL"

“They’re Monochromatic fucking drums!! Why will anyone with a sane mind pay to see drums and most importantly WHO are these people who are tempted to TOUCH 'em?!!” 

*More* peels of laughter.. that echoed through the corridors. Judging by the guard's non-reaction, I'm thinking it's not the first time this had happened. 

Well that’s contemporary Art for you.

I have new appreciation for my 4 year old’s art work. 

We’re idiots aren’t we?!!

THE drums!! ta - da !

THE photographs

San Telmo Antique Store

THE REAL ART: in a San Telmo restaurant

THE geometric art in MACBA


A Store Window

Book Stalls Graffiti near Teatro Colón

The Giggle Loop! (Art in Buenos Aires)

This post is shared at these link ups 

Until later! Stay in touch!


Coupling 1x03 - Sex, Death and Nudity (sub... por 92ivan


  1. Loved this story. Some art galleries take themselves a bit too seriously don't they? Love the street art, it's incredible! :) #citytripping

  2. Very funny! Brilliant... Those drums!! I have had lots of giggle loop moments...although none for a while. One which I will always remember was when I was in secondary school and I had to recite a very series piece of literature in school assembly and my classmates and I just lost it in front of everyone. Forgotten how good Coupling was...just watched the whole episode. Thanks for linking to #citytripping

    1. Laughed in front of the whole school! what fun!

      Glad to meet another Coupling fan!

  3. Guess that's the thing about art - what is beyond some of us, speaks volumes to others. We once all stood in the gallery trying to decide whether the drop cloth, tiles and ladder were a pop art installation or junk. It was infact junk - the workmen had gone for lunch....

  4. It's uncanny what some art galleries call art; I know it's all subjective but I can't tell you how many times I've uttered to my husband "our kid could make that!"

    1. I know! Instead of tossing it out we should collect & have an exhibit exclusively for artists!

  5. hysterical!! thanks for sharing #fartglitter x

  6. I love how the giggles got to you - and all those abbreviations to get your head around!?

  7. I liked some of these but yeah...the drums not so much! I have to say the bit where you were giggling about that reminded me of an incident with 2 other friends when we were on a mums' kids-free weekend away, and visited the famous Trinity College library in Dublin about a year ago. We managed to walk straight past the oldest book of all time that we'd paid moeny to see, took a selfie and our other friends waiting for us outside excitedly asked us what we thought of the exhibition, horrified by our blank faces and 'where was the book?!' question. The rest of them have not let us forget it! Envious of the travelling...I remember my backpack days fondly. Thanks for joining #passthesauce

    1. Thanks for stopping by! The book seems to be as memorable as the drums after all!

  8. You are funny!! I love this and I ALWAYS find I get a massive fit of the giggles when I shouldn't be laughing and once I start I can rarely manage to stop before I've caused a right old scene. I think your visit to the art gallery was a roaring success!

    1. Thanks so much:) I didn't happen to me often- But was almost a disease at school!

  9. I'm completely stupid when it comes to art so some of these flew over my head but I do enjoy a good bit of graffiti.


  10. I have not as yet laughed in an Art Gallery although I would have so been with you if this happened to me as I'm quite good at inappropriate laughter, I got the giggles at a funeral once, it was the fault of the bad hair piece sat in front of me, literally, not on a head, but placed on a pew in front of me. #CoolMumClub

  11. I didn't even make it inside the Louvre...I guess Monalisa was spared of my giggles!

  12. Opps, think I linked twice by mistake!

  13. This definitely sums up my feelings about a few art museums. Much I love but plenty feels like someone's missed the point! #citytripping

    1. I plan to strategically avoid museums in the future, like I had in the past!

  14. We went to an art exhibition once which was all about the touching and even the adding to the installations. It was actually a lot of fun, partly to watch all the art lovers being very tentative, partly to watch the parents having to reign in their kids when they overdid the hands on interaction, and partly because who doesn't enjoy feeding coloured straws into polystyrene.

    It did ruin us for when we returned to the same gallery when the exhibition was not inviting of small sticky fingers though.

    1. sounds awesome!! on the contrary I really got annoyed with security jumping up every time my son even walked towards a painting!

  15. Omg.. I totally feel you on the drums. You should visit National Gallery here in Singapore. My mum was looking at the art installations, one of which was 3 identical hot water flask placed in a row, and she was like... "Is this art???" Oh well, I can only say I cannot appreciate art. So I giggled when I was reading your post.

    1. Lol! what is more artistic, 3 identical hot flasks vs 6 drums. hmm..what a conundrum !

  16. What a brilliant story and i so remember watching Coupling - had a small crush on Jack Davenport! I'm not a big fan of contemporary art so much more of a classic person. I remember going to the Turner Prize and seeing Tracy Emin's unmade bed and used condoms. I didn't laugh so much as more scrunched up my face in puzzlement!! Some arty types make me laugh however, it's like they're speaking another language! I do love my son's art work though :) Thanks for linking up with #MondayEscapes

    1. I know, for some reason Jack Davenport kept getting more and more handsome with age! hmmmff, men!

  17. Ha ha, I love this post. Your video clip is the perfect setup for your story. I completely get your reaction to some of the "art" that is on display in museums. I can't believe you weren't tempted to touch those drums. :-)

    1. my hands were busy wiping off tears , haha.

  18. I read your post on the B&B in this part of the city first, this was such a great follow up to it. I couldn't help myself and started laughing even before the drums. BTW, I loved Coupling, such a hilarious show!

  19. Love this article - yes we are stupid to put ridiculous 'art' that pre-schoolers produce just as well on the fine art pedestal. It angers me that art galleries spend hard earned tax money on these art works that we stand in front of, shake our head, wonder and often laugh out loud at. Yes, a great article!

    1. lol! I know! btw, i'm not *that* stupid, I regularly toss out my son's artwork when he's not around, only put 1 or 2 on the wall ;)
