Sunday, May 8, 2016

When you fail your camera *and* the beauty around you! {Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina}

“Be ready by 7.45 am” said a fax from our travel agent that had been slipped under our hotel door. Naah, not a problem. Unless your holiday is on a beach or a relaxing villa where the plan is to do nothing, you have to be ready to wake up wee early! And walk A LOT. A LOT, A LOT.

We were ready at 7.45 am of course. Wearing woollen inners, two sweaters, a snow jacket, snow gloves, and a woollen cap. Impeccably dressed & proud!

Our bus took us from our nice warm hotel in El Calafate to the Perito Moreno Glacier, 85 kms away. We had a guide who spoke into the mic, in both English & Spanish. Our peaceful morning nap was interrupted every 3 minutes by fun tit bits and super insightful information such as the type of birds, stones and pebbles found here.

A walking talking Wikipedia. *With* page translate. 

Oh the tourist season is Oct-Apr? We *know*, we *ARE* those tourists!! 

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)
Our first view from the coach, minutes before we arrived!

When we finally got out, we completely immersed ourselves with blowing steam from our mouths (living  with adults does that to 4 year olds), while the other travellers crowded around a “Map” which looked like this:

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)
BTW, this map is *not* available on google maps

          “Bye! have fun! Be back by 2!” said Ms Wikipedia.

          Er, what? We are on our own now? What is this map? Are we supposed to use our brains now? 

          What did she say? Was it important? OMG shall we ask again?!!

          After a moment of panic came the sanity:

          Uh, let’s. just. go. 

It was BEAUTIFUL. CALM. AND PEACEFUL. Being somewhere in the end of the world (soo close to the Antarctic!) somehow it seemed like we were the only ones there. 

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

At least for the first ten minutes.

At least until I pulled out my camera (that eventually drove me to the brink of insanity!)

Taking pictures of stacks of ice is. not. easy. There is an issue bigger than your teeth looking somewhere between butterscotch and bumblebee yellow. Ending up with beautiful moments captured in dark, dingy pictures. Exhibit A:

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)
Our Visit to the Andies last year: You see my predicament?

Well this time, it’s as if the Universe said “hell alright, we’ll give you a bit of Sun this time, let’s see what you can do now!! (LOL, har har har, snigger…!!)

So what presented was the exact opposite. A Big White Blur. Exhibit B:

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)
The whitish, White Walker repellant! 

Dark & Dingy V/s Big White Blur.  I wonder which I hated the most.

I know, I know, we’re supposed to “just be in the present eff-ing moment” soak in the beauty, forget cameras and selfies. BUT I *WAS* in the present moment! I soaked it all in within the ten minutes that I was there! And we had 3 hour 50 minutes more to go! I had this DSLR (ok, the cheapest possible one) a little bit of talent (Well at least I thought I had some before this trip!) and this gorgeous scene in front of me. So all the philosophers be damned, I turned the dial on fidgeting, fumbling and fiddling with the camera settings, to the max!

Increase the f-stop to increase the depth. Reduce the ISO to reduce noise. Change white balance. Repeat. All the cliches possible that would be flagged off in the Cliche Finder.

I gave up after the eleven hundred and twenty third picture of ice, sooo languished that I didn’t even look at them or my camera for a fortnight!

I’m a purist. Let me just make that clear. Pictures should be edited on a computer only to be cropped or aligned. (Translation: I’ve no freakin clue how to do anything else)

But I did give in and stitch three pictures together to get the iconic panoramic image of Patagonia (Translation: My sister-in-law did it for me)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)
clap clap clap! And the credit goes to...

So what exactly is the big deal? Why go all the way to see stacks of ICE?

You’ll probably know that the Patagonian Ice Sheet is one of the major Ice sheets after the biggies, Greenland & Antartica (I didn’t, but it’s not like I scored well in the Are You Smarter Than A Preschooler Quiz either!). Most glaciers begin at The Andies and The Perito Moreno Glacier is the biggest around here. What makes it cooler is that it is one of the few “surging” ones, growing at the rate of 2 m per day

Take that, global warming!

So we have this whole 5 kms wide snout of the glacier flowing into the Lake Argentina and a pretty big balcony constructed on the opposite end for viewing. i.e. for the old & lazy, photographers, parents and their little kids who aren’t allowed to trek on the glacier.

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)
(Disclaimer: you can’t actually build a snowman there)

So I doubt I have those beautiful pictures to boast about, but I did score a 43% fluency on my Duolingo score on speaking Geology (and a 47% on Glaciology!) and did have a fantastic cup of Hot Chocolate at the end of the 4 hour walk! 

Here are some pictures anyways, You can judge all you want!! 

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

Globetrotting Mom: When you fail your camera. And the beauty around you (Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina)

This post is shared at these link ups 

Until later! Stay in touch!
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  1. Stunning pictures! I would have been really impressed with myself if I'd managed to produce anything half as good as the ones that you don't like! I am so envious, this place just looks breathtaking!
    Thanks for sharing with #FartGlitter x

  2. Stunning! What an amazing place. - looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing

    1. wow, looks amazing! I want to travel with my boy but will wait until he is a bit older #citytripping

    2. We said the same thing, but then we figured we may not be living in this part of the world then! But trekking on the glacier is *so* much better than just going and seeing it. So it's a good idea to wait:)

  3. Hilarious but great sharing about the Glacier. I do think these pictures are not too bad! knowing how difficult it is to snap whiter than white snow.

    1. I picked the best ones! The somewhat non blurry ones! Thanks PC:)

  4. This looks such an amazing place - and I am certain your photos are a lot better than mine would have been, something so bright white is so tricky to photograph. I am a big fan of a bit of post-production editing in certain circumstances ;) Thanks for linking up with #citytripping

    1. If you've figured post-production- good for you!

  5. The glacier looks amazing! Great panoramic image even if your sister in law did it for you, I would have no idea how to link them together either. Lovely family photos. Thanks for linking up with #MyFavouriteTrip Polly x

  6. I am very much a point and click sort of photographer. The mere idea of having to get to grips with shutter speeds and such fills me with panic. I think your photos are great! But it's annoying, of course, if you know what your *wanted* it to be like.

    1. I can imagine, I avoided DSLRs for years!!

  7. They still look amazing to me - far better than anything I could have taken! It never would have occurred to me, but I can see that photographing in snow & ice must be difficult with all the glare and reflections. It looks beautiful there - I love snow and ice. Much more than sun and beaches! Thank you so much for linking up with us at #PasstheSauce

    1. It looks like stacks of white detergent!! haha...thanks for stopping by!

  8. WOW! How cool is that glacier! Cheers

  9. I'm an amazing photographer in my head too!!

  10. You didn't do badly at all with the pics! Lumps of ice are not easy to capture well. I love the panoramic. What a beautiful scene to gaze at! Thanks for linking to #citytripping

  11. Wow! This is so amazing! You have inspired me! I don't really like cold places - but I've got to see this! Once in a life-time experience. I can't wait to take the kids (when they are a little older) with me too. Such an awesome place! I am so pinning this! :) #MyFavouriteTrip

    1. I don't really look forward to cold places either! This was a one time thing!

  12. LOL... You are hilarious. There aren't any lumps of ice for me to photograph where I am from so can't really comment on how to photograph lumps of ice... But I get you on fiddling with the settings on the camera and just not getting it.

  13. I think your pictures are fab, what an amazing landscape! I've never had to contend with massive lumps of ice, but I'd be happy if I took pics as good as that. It's my dream to travel in South America so I love reading about it. Great post :-) #myfavouritepost

  14. Err, I think you're being slightly to hard on yourself here. Your photos are pretty darn good! I know what you mean though about taking pictures in snowy vistas, I struggled too in Iceland back in February. Great post - made me chuckle! Thanks for linking up with #MondayEscapes

    1. These are literally 5 good shots out of the 1000+!! Thanks so much though! :)

  15. You captured some great shots! White is always a challenge. You made me smile saying you're a purist, cause I tend to want to be that as well. It looks like an incredible place and hope I can take on this challenge also one day. ;-) Great job!

    1. Unless I master photoshop, I hate that tinkering makes the pictures look unnatural! Thanks Nancie:)

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