Sunday, June 12, 2016

Wonder who’s looking at you when you’re biking? {Santiago, Chile}

I’ve already mastered the art of “Dressing like a Chilean” (which actually requires a whole post of its own) but dressing like biker is a whole different arena altogether.

While it’s normal to see some cyclists totally Lance Armstrong it, which by no way I mean they pop some before heading out, but hurrying away in their pro bike kits like they’re late for Tour de France, even the humble ones are seen in nothing less than chic biking gear.

Me? I just grab whatever I can and make it work.

Summer is easy, shorts and T shirt. But winter is when you require some fashion sense and some spending money.

At 10 degrees, you don’t require warm clothes since your body warms up within minutes of riding the bike. You *do* need something to cover yourself up though: windcheater, muffler & skull cap. I didn’t have any of these things.

I did have a pair of track pants (that my husband went “eeeek!” just looking at it. Huh. Maybe he’s right. It is *probably* meant for sleeping, not biking) 

I raided my husbands wardrobe and borrowed his windcheater, skull cap, and muffler to wear with sleeping/maybe-for-biking-track-pants and plain sneakers. It’s not just that the wind cheater looked a giant puffy red balloon enveloping me, every piece of clothing was utterly mismatched. 

To make things look worse, I put on a bike helmet on top of the skull cap.

I mean who cares, right? When you’re cycling, it’s just you and your bike. Who knows you? Who cares about what you wear? Who’s even looking at you, for God’s sake!

Less is more! You don’t need to succumb to consumerism and buy stuff for the heck of it!!

I stepped out of my house happily. It was a sunny day in this winter morning and I even carried my camera in a backpack, tucked in the basket on the front. 

I was riding on the sidewalk towards the bike lane and I wanted to take a quick turn before the pedestrian lights went red. 

But *as soon as* I took the turn, the lights turned red. 

So I *slammed* the brakes.

And the bike came to a sudden stop.

But I didn’t!

I went fell flying on the road somewhere near the poor bike, in front of the cars, that were thankfully still stationery.

While I picked myself & the bike up and dragged it back to the sidewalk and I heard a man say “todo bein?” He was a juggler who entertained for money at the traffic light. “all okay?” 

The first thought in my head was “Dammit! Serves me right! Should’ve loosened the damn brakes months ago!”

The second thought in my head was “Thank god the camera's safe!"

And the third thought was:

“Oh. My. God. *EVERYONE* saw me!! Wearing this Jesse-Pinkman-wannabe catastrophe!!”

The juggler asked loudly “Where are you from?” 


and I could literally picture him clapping loudly saying 

“Give it up for …The idiot from India!!”

FINE. I give up. I shall haul my behind to the mall this weekend. And buy me some sorta-chic sportswear. 

Sometimes less is *not* more. It’s *WAY TOO MUCH!*

(& if you’re wondering, the only physical injury was getting my knee scraped. Wasn’t too painful. Huh, wonder why my 4 year old cries every time he gets a scratch) 

The Globetrotting Mom: Wonder who’s looking at you when you’re biking? {Santiago, Chile}

Read More: Family that bikes together...travels together 

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  1. Cute post - I also try really hard to just wear what I already have. I started jogging last summer but I had to succumb and buy some actual workout clothes because running in "whatever" was not at all comfortable. Brave of you to share your mistakes!

  2. Oh no. I'm clumsy so am well acquainted with how in feels to accidentally find yourself on your butt in public. One guy once stopped after I fell in Glasgow to comment, 'nothingbhurt but your pride, eh?'. I learned from my mum- the best part of taking up a new activity is buying all the kit. I always look like I play a good game 😁


    1. But to think of it, it may have looked even funnier had I fallen clumsily with my kit!

  3. Eeeek!! Oh no! Thank goodness it was only a scraped knee (yes, children are such wusses over this aren't they?!) and that the camera was safe!! Whenever I take up a new activity, I always try and use what I already have, and ALWAYS end up going out to buy some more suitable attire!! Sometimes we never learn do we?!

    1. ahem! This wasn't my *first* time....more like 5th time....*sheepish grin* 5th time's a charm ha?

      Thanks for stopping by! (Children *are* wusses!)

  4. Hahahaha, thank you for a good laugh this evening! I always say that I shouldn't bother with what people are thinking, but whenever I go out I feel self conscious about what I'm wearing. Glad to hear you're alright and the camera is safe, haha.

    1. The camera is safe! That's most important :) Thanks Vlad!

  5. Haha! Oh no, I shouldn't be laughing at a bike accident even a minor one, but oh man, that is exactly how I feel when I bike. Like everyone is watching me be a big buffoon! Good luck getting a swanky new outfit and climbing back on the bike.

  6. Ha ha, I ride my bike in anything that I have available, but don't do it often enough to glam it up. Glad you didn't hurt anything more than your pride!

  7. This story reminds me of times when I do not feel like dressing up to go to work. Then, I decide to go really casual with not necessarily the prettiest clothes. After all, I pass most of my working hours crunching numbers in front of the computer. But, guess what? Once I get to work, I discover there is a meeting with the entire department. I feel a bit ashamed since I look more like ready to stay home.

    1. I know the feeling! hahaha. Thanks Ruth! :)

  8. Fun story, hope you don't mind if I laughed a little while reading it. It never fails though, I always get caught when I run out to toss the garbage while wearing my pajamas.

    1. haha, it was meant to be funny- so thank god you laughed!

  9. oh och, that sounds so very painful, glad it was only a scraped knee, I am the same, will grab whatever I have handy and wear it - no point in spending money on "stuff" that you don't need :)
    Hope you get something nice to wear, and get back on the bike - hope no-one will remember you!!! But then again it will give them something to laugh/talk about :)

  10. Oh no! Would love to see a photo of you in your biking gear! I don't have any proper biking gear but really should. So glad you weren't hurt too much in the accident. Thanks for linking up with #MyFavouriteTrip. Polly x

    1. I don't have any photo! I realised that when I was writing this post, haha.
