Friday, March 11, 2016

Granjaventura & Cola de Tigre

We got three kids ready, they were all buckled up in the backseat and ready to when I punched "Train Museum" on my phone's Google Maps, it said "This destination is permanently closed" 


We frantically googled random stuff and came up with this. Granjaventura is an adventure park with Bridges, cottages, tons of interesting slides and swings - all made from nature. Charged around 5000 pesos per person and we could carry our own food. We were good to go! Vamos!

In the 35 degrees heat is also where I began my love affair with Cola De Tigre- a yellow & brown ice-cream that looks like a Tiger's Tail. 

I think I have a thing for tails...first I was madly in love with Cola De Mono (Monkey's Tail, a Chilean Egg Nog) and now this. Well. 

Entry charge, address etc on their website

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